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Purpose, Vision & Mission


Our Purpose

At Anchor Chiropractic, everything we do we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe that when you see things differently, you can be the difference needed in the world. OUR PURPOSE is to facilitate those who work for us, with us, and around us to realize their full potential and live out their best life. 

Our Vision

At Anchor Chiropractic, we believe in an experience beyond the normal transactional office feel. We envision an environment in which sick people come to get well, and well people stay to gain health. Most people have more faith in the scalpel or a spoonful of medicine than in the power that animates the living world. OUR VISION is for all people to know the ability of their body to heal is far beyond what anyone has ever allowed them to believe.

Our Mission

At Anchor Chiropractic, we strive to make every experience one worth remembering. OUR MISSION is to change the lives of families, expecting mothers, children, and people of all ages and abilities through the love and power of Chiropractic.  Each person we come in contact with in our office, our schools, our community, or in our homes, is of great value. To us you are not a diagnosis. To us you are not a number. To us you are an individual. In our office you are loved. In our office there is trust beyond measure. In our office there are answers.

Don’t give up your health! Life’s roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors.
Let this anchor keep your health firmly in place.


Anchor Chiropractic of Marietta

Contact  Us

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Open Hours
M and W 9-1
Tu and Th 3-6
F 9-1, 3-6
Saturday by appointment
1135 South Marietta Pkwy SE
Marietta, GA 30060

© 2022 by Werifesteria Design

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