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Sports Chiropractic


I don’t know how but I hurt my elbow the day before a big tryout for a club volleyball team. It was really bad because it was my hitting arm and anything I did made my arm hurt. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to play with the pain. I saw Dr. Mongiello later that day and he adjusted me, did some soft tissue work, and taped my elbow to help stabilize everything for the match. I played for 3 hours as part of the tryouts and not only did my elbow not hurt but I made the team! - Mary B.

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Anchor Chiropractic of Marietta

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Open Hours
M and W 9-1
Tu and Th 3-6
F 9-1, 3-6
Saturday by appointment
1135 South Marietta Pkwy SE
Marietta, GA 30060

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