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Does Dr. Mongiello know how to take care of the specific needs of a pregnant woman?


Dr. Mongiello is Webster certified, and more!


Dr. Mongiello is one of only a handful of certified Chiropractors within 100 miles of Marietta who has undergone the arduous pregnancy and pediatric training offered by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). One portion of this training includes certification in the Webster Technique.


The ICPA Certification Program is a comprehensive 200-hour program consisting of 20 course offerings. It is designed to expand professional ability in adjusting techniques, evaluation, and assessment of different stages of development: from pregnancy, birth, infancy throughout childhood.


ICPA seminars are taught from the salutogenic perspective which focuses on strategies, environments and lifestyle choices that empower individuals to experience the full spectrum of life. All techniques taught in the Certification Program are those currently taught at Chiropractic colleges and are adapted for children and pregnant patients. 


The final exam is between 60-70 pages long and typically takes candidates 3 months to complete to receive Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP).


How can chiropractic help pregnant mothers?

Chiropractic care in pregnancy is vital to the normal physiological function of both the mother and baby throughout pregnancy and birth. More women and birth providers are discovering the many benefits associated with Chiropractic care in pregnancy and recognize this area of expertise through Webster Certification.


It is important to make sure your Chiropractor is aware and trained to care for your pregnancy due to the changing levels of hormones throughout your body. These hormone changes are getting you ready to carry and birth your little one but also change how you should be adjusted. 


The Webster Technique is a specific Chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation or SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated.


Sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (i.e., dystocia), caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation. Correction of sacral subluxation may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia.


Families are seeking out Chiropractors who are proficient in this technique as a way to support a more comfortable, safer, and easier birth1.

No, but the babies can turn themselves!


Chiropractors don’t actually address the baby directly at all and the adjustment is not with the intention of moving the baby, although it happens 80-90% of the time2,3.


The Webster Technique is a specific assessment and diversified adjustment for all weight-bearing individuals and is utilized to enhance neuro-biomechanics in that individual.  By correcting the subluxations of the mother, your baby often finds a more comfortable and more optimal position even though this is not the intent. 

Can a Chiropractor turn my breech baby?


History of the Webster Technique

Dr. Larry Webster, founder of ICPA, Logan practitioner and Life College instructor, developed the Webster Technique in response to his daughter, Lucinda's birth to her daughter, Shannon. Dr. Webster was present at her long and arduous birth and although he adjusted her during the birth, he felt that Chiropractic could have a bigger impact in labor with a more specific approach to the pelvis. 


After this personal experience with his daughter’s birth, Dr. Webster strove to develop an adjustment “for laboring women to help with the ease of birth." He felt that there must be a more specific way of addressing subluxations throughout pregnancy that would contribute to safer, easier births for the mother.


Shortly after, Dr. Webster was caring for a family whose mother was pregnant and also presenting breech. He applied his newly discovered approach in hopes of an easier delivery than his daughter had. He saw her once per week for several weeks and they noticed that her baby turned vertex in time for delivery. 


Larry Webster, D.C

Dr. Webster began teaching other Chiropractors this adjustment. These doctors reported that when their patient's babies were not in an optimal position, these babies were turning vertex as well. Thus the title: “Webster Breech Turning Technique” later to be called the "Webster In-Utero Constraint Technique" by Drs. Anrig and Forrester.


When his daughter, Pamela, was pregnant, he insisted that she get regular Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy and mailed her a video of his technique to show her Chiropractor. She also showed it to her OB, who was quite interested in the pelvic biomechanics and the Chiropractic perspective. He too encouraged her to see her Chiropractor regularly for this technique knowing this was out of his obstetric scope1.


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See what others are saying

Dr. Mongiello has proven on multiple occasions to show a thorough attentiveness and care to the four members of my immediate family. I’m particularly impressed with the manner in which he has handled my two children. He treated my four day old son for routine care and I had complete confidence ‘handing over’ my baby.

- Anne T.

Anchor Chiropractic of Marietta

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M and W 9-1
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1135 South Marietta Pkwy SE
Marietta, GA 30060

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